Joker Xue 你还要我怎样 Lyrics + English Translation

Omgee this guy is damn hot (lol) and sings damn well. The song I chose to translate is another song about heartbreak. Couldn’t find the English translation online thus I chose to translate it myself.
薛之谦 – 你还要我怎样
You stop by the alley so familiar to us.
Reciting the script you have prepared
我还在逞强 说著谎
I stubbornly stand my ground and lie
也没能力遮挡 你去的方向
I don’t have the ability to prevent you from going where you want to
At least when we part I am generous
Later on, I would choose to bypass that alley
Longing to meet you in another alley again
思念在逞强 不肯忘
Memories are stubborn, refusing to forget
怪我没能力跟随 你去的方向
Blaming myself for not having the ability to go where you are going
若越爱越被动 越要落落大方
The more we love, the more passionate it is, the more generous we must be
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What do you want me to do, to do?
Your sudden message was enough to break my heart
我没能力遗忘 你不用提醒我
I am unable to forget, you don’t have to remind me
Even if it ends like this
我还能怎样 能怎样
What else can I do?
In the end, I still fall into the (jilted) lover’s shoes
你从来不会想 我何必这样
You have never been thoughtful, why should I be like this?
I slowly return to my usual social circle
And am able to start encountering new potential partners
爱你到最后 不痛不痒
Loving you until the end was not painful or addictive
留言在计较 谁爱过一场
Our messages calculate who loved the other more
我剩下一张 没后悔的模样
I’m left with a face with no regret
你还要我怎样 要怎样
What else do you want me to do, to do?
You better not appear at my wedding ceremony
我听完你爱的歌 就上了车
After listening to the song you love, I board the car

It was worth having loved you
我不要你怎样 没怎样
I don’t need you to do anything, nothing
The road I walked with you, you musn’t forget
因为那是我 最快乐的时光
Because those were my happiest times
My life later on could be considered ideal
I wasn’t left lonely by you
有一天晚上 梦一场
One night I dreamt
你白发苍苍 说带我流浪
You with white hair, telling me you wanted to bring me exploring
我还是没犹豫 就随你去天堂
I still did not hesitate, and followed you to heaven
管能怎样 我能陪你到天亮
No matter what happens, I can accompany you til dawn

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